Skin Care … A Form of Self Care or Healthcare?


Taking care of every aspect of your health and well being is essential. Yes, it is essential no matter how it is written in archival documents or disputed in political debates. The status of your health is ethically essential. This means going to your primary physician for your annual physical, your dentist for a biannual cleaning, optometrist for your vision exam, a gynecologist for your well-woman exam, and a dermatologist for your skin screening. 

All of these checkups are common in that they are essential. Yet, how often do we actually take that much needed annual visit to the dermatologist? 

Most adults are aware that they should see their primary physician, but for some reason the confidence of knowing dissipates when the topic of skin care surfaces.

Dermatology visits are not just for patients with noticeable skin conditions like severe acne, eczema, or hyperpigmentation. Patients are encouraged to make a customary visit once a year. For those who may not know, here's a quick summary of what a general trip to this doctor might include:

  1. Your new dermatologist might ask about your medical/skin health history.
  2. You’ll get a skin exam.
  3. Possibly a new prescription.
  4. Your new dermatologist might want to schedule a follow up appointment with you in the near future. 

When you meet with your dermatologist, they might ask you questions about your current skin care routine and even encourage you to add or take away some of your beauty products. 

The truth is that the appearance of your skin can tell us a lot about your overall health. Skin is the largest organ on our body and is the barrier that protects our internal processes from harmful toxins and bacteria. It is important to keep it healthy and in tip top shape!

So the ball is in your court of how you would like to categorize skincare. Is it self-care or healthcare to you? Or is it simply both?